UART1 in DATA_MODE. my q287 don’t understand AT-commands, how can I fix it?
There is a “1 sec pause, +++,1 sec pause” signal to switch back to AT mode.
I havn’t understand… I’ve tryed to stop programm with “at+wopen=0”, but nothing happenings. What exectly i must to do in my terminal?
There are several ways to do that :
- On reset there’s a timeout until the dwl app is started , and there your modem might understand at+Wopen=0 ; if you can’t do that by hand try making a program in something like java , c# or anything that should send “at+wopen=0\r\n” at 100 ms ,
connect your modem to a computer and start the program to do it’s job.
If this fails you have another possibility : - You can erase the dwl application , but this will be a bit more complicated .
- Connect the BOOT signal to 10k resistor and then to GND .
- Connect ur device to the computer
- Download & Install DwlWin , mark erase open-at application , choose ur com port and start the program and after that reset several times the wavecom device.
I’ll try it
I have some problems in working with hardware, can you give me a link on photo or something where i can see, how to do it)) My device is FastrackGO…
thanx for all, problem is solved!