I developped an Open AT V2.10 application with Cygwin.
And I downloaded;
1- ftr_open_gprs_both.dwl 204 bytes
2- ftr_ip.dwl 193 bytes
3- eDSoft_W302_V210.dwl 116686 bytes
4- gprsrtd.dwl (my program) 142854 bytes
to M1306B Gprs Modem and it works, perfect.
And then, I bought Wismo Quick Development board
with Q2686 modules.
I converted the same application to Open AT V4.00
with Cygwin and minor differences like below;
ed_SocketSetConfig( &Socket ); Open AT V2.10
ed_SocketSetConfig( ED_ID_TCPSOCKET_1, &Socket ); Open AT V4.00
Now, what files must I download into Q2686 module?