The same AT+RMTXPOWER commands work sometimes but not others

Hi Vianney,

Many thanks. I’ll try that.

Is it mentioned somewhere, in some document I ought to have read ?

Meanwhile, I’ve made a bit of a discovery, by experimenting. I’ve found that the occasional ERROR response to 2G AT+RMTXPOWER commands, even though the exact same commands give OK usually, can be ‘worked around’ by preceding every 2G AT+RMTXPOWER, with AT+RMTXPOWER=0, then 20 ms wait.

I’ll see if an HL7692 firmware upgrade, from version 2.23 to 2.27, changes things at all, in this respect.

I’ve also made a discovery with the other HL7692 issue I’m seeing. You might be interested to see this thread, and in particular my most recent post:

Best regards,
