I am using the Fastrack Supreme 10 to establish a TCP connection to a remote server who listens to an open tcp port.
I have started a new project with M2M Studio using the tcp_client sample.
I have changed the parameters in entry_point.c with the remote ip and port:
#define PEER_STRADDR "my.server.com";
#define PEER_PORT 1234;
and in cfg_gprs.c with
#define GPRS_APN "hosts.APN.com"
#define GPRS_USER "user"
#define GPRS_PASSWORD "pass"
#define GPRS_PINCODE "SIM's PIN number"
I have downloaded the .dwl file in the Fastrack and activated the settings using AT commands in
AT_Command_Interface_Guide_Open_AT_Firmware_7.4.pdf page 97 for GPRS. After I enter AT+WOPEN=1 and AT+CFUN=1 for restart I see the red led blinking indicating data exchange but stops blinking after a few seconds. And I see no data incoming at the server program.
What I need to know is
1)why the connections stops after a few seconds?
2) I have also tried the AT commands in AT Commands User Guide for Wavecom IP v5.01.pdf page 92 for GPRS. Whenever I enter these commands in shell I get an error. What is the difference with those commands? Should I use these or from the other manual?