How to use GPRS feature in Fastrack supreme 20


I want to use GPRS feature in Fastrack supreme 20, but I don’t know where to start. Please show me steps to start with it.
Please help me!!!

check this topic

Moreover, please look into the AT Command guide where the examples are given at the end… Also, if you can use WIP feature then check the WIP guides which are present in the Doc folder of the WIP plug-in folder at the location where you have downloaded the Open AT ( normally C:/ Open AT/Plug-ins/WIP/doc


Thanks for replying me!

at the moment, I want to run one of examples of wavecom about GPRS (such as http, tcp_client, ping…) but i can’t. There is always error when i run it. Do i have any configuration for Fastrack or my computer?
I used a Vina SIM:

APN: m3-world
usr: mms
password: mms

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


That statement is like saying “my car won’t work - what’s wrong with it?”

You need to describe fully and in details what you are doing and what error, precisely, you are getting?

yes, I want to configure my Fastrack as TCP_client. I follow the example in WIP_AT_COMMAND_USER_GUIDE:
+CEER: Error 241

i don’t know why?

the ip addresss: is ip address of my PC (dynamic IP).
please help me!!!

Have you looked-up the meaning of CEER Error 241 ?

Have you tried AT+CMEE=1 ?


Before, I did not use AT+CMEE=1 command, so the error number was unknown. After I use this command, when i type at+wipcreate=2,1,“”,80, terminal responds two error 831 and 842.



as i know, error 831 shows bad state, and error 842 shows destination host unreachable.

I’m not very well in internet protocol, so i don’t know what they mean. (my IP is set as static IP)

Please help me!!!


This is a non routable IP (or private) address - so the ISP router’s will not route traffic from your modem to your PC over the internet.

If you want to connect to your PC from the modem, you are going to have to get your PC ISP to give you a routable (public) IP Address. Be warned though, this will directly connect your PC to the internet - so you have better have a good firewall!

This comes up again and again - probably another good topic for the FAQ :open_mouth:

ciao, Dave

Now, I see. I tried with:


and it was ok.

I wonder that, if I configure my Fastrack as TCP server, could my PC connect to Fastrack? and at this time, what is the address of Fastrack to connect from PC? do i have to assign an IP to Fastrack?

propably not, because the IP of the mobile equipment is also internal to the network of your provider.
you can request a public IP but you will have to pay for that.

Hi, the problem is when i have a TCP server and TCP client on the same Fastrack. How to the client connect to the server?
According to documents of wip, it uses a PEER IP but i don’t know what is it? is it private IP of my PC? (example TCP client and TCP server in the same wireless CPU of WIP).


Without getting a public IP from your Service Provider, you can’t. No Public IP, no visibility of the device from the internet.

The PEER IP address is the address of the device at the other end of the PPP link - this WILL be the Service Provider’s PPP server/router.

ciao, Dave


Can you explain me concepts: IP bearer, GSM bearer, GPRS bearer, UART bearer?
As I know, Bearer is carrier. But I can’t understand above concepts.
Please help me!

That’s right - so a “GSM Bearer” just means that it is “carrying” over GSM (specifically, a circuit-switched data call, or “CSD”);
A “GPRS bearer” is “carrying” over GPRS;
A “UART bearer” is carrying over a UART (ie, an RS232 serial link);
An “IP bearer” is carrying over an IP link.

Note that the GSM, GPRS, and UART can all be considered “physical” bearers; that is, they provide the underlying physical transport medium. They neither know nor care what protocol(s) are being carried over them;

IP is a higher-level bearer; it needs a “physical” bearer beneath it (such as one of the above) and, again, neither knows nor cares what protocol(s) are being carried over it;

TCP and UDP are still-higher-level protocols commonly carried over an IP bearer…

Try googlingOSI 7-Layer Modelfor more background

See also: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3218&p=11989&hilit=tcp+tutorial#p11989

Thanks for your answer. Maybe I have to study more detail about TCP/IP protocol.

Yes, I think so!