December 9, 2013, 10:44am
I seem to have reached a dead-end with AT Commands for this:
This is the built-in 3G/4G modem in a Fujitsu Lifebook laptop. I’m told they should be the same as the MC series.
The Extended AT Commands document lists some AT!STK… commands;
AT!STKVER does display a version number, but the rest just seem to give ERROR:
Any ideas what I’m missing, or where I’m going wrong?
It doesn’t help that the documentation is pretty opaque;
eg, it talks about “unsolicited SIM commands”, but the 3GPP specs say that the SIM can’t do anything unsolicited. I presume th…
So possibly QMI (QUALCOMM® MSM™ Interface) might be the way to go…
Well, I do know some of it. But it’s a multiplex of an increasing set of services, each with an increasing set of commands, and with an increasing set of TLVs associated with existing commands. So I don’t want to say that I know QMI
I wrote the qmi_wwan driver in mainline Linux. Which is completely protocol agnostic - there is no QMI in there at all, unlike the SWI/Qualcomm QMI driver. But I have of course also followed the parallell development of the different open source QMI userspace utilities, as well as writing a few test scripts during driver develoment. So I believe I know the parts of QMI necessary to connect. The rest is pretty blank.
Qualcomm has documented a lot of the QMI services under NDA. You can find it in the Gobi docs on their developer pages. But luckily they have also been running the CodeAurora Gobi project, which has made the most important parts available under a BSD license. This has allowed Open Source projects like libqmi.
I recommend searching all those sources for more details about QMI. But be careful with the Qualcomm NDA’d docs if you want to/must publish source code. The CodeAurora Gobi project has documented so much that chances are high you don’t need it anyway.
MC7710 rndis mode
It seems that the Qualcomm docs refer to it as “Card Application Toolkit”, and the service is QMI_CAT ; so the document is “QMI Card Application Toolkit Spec ” , 80-VB816-11 P
December 9, 2013, 1:37pm
You might want to check out the current QMI code in oFono, libqmi and the CodeAurora Gobi project and see if there is some STK example code there. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re on your own here… All these projects have naturally focused most on making basic services work, and STK is rarely requested.
STK (SIM Toolkit) AT Commands on EM8805/EM7305 - #6 by awneil
Couldn’t find any reference to “QMI” in any of the oFono sources…
December 9, 2013, 4:55pm
All look rather linuxy - any Windows equivalents
(these are Windows laptops)
December 10, 2013, 7:49am
Can you specify the product(s) in concerns?
December 10, 2013, 9:04am
Sorry - I omitted to bring that across from the original thread: