SPI "External Storage" sample - IRQs not working?

I set it to Asynchronous mode, but I never see the Traces from the IRQ handlers.

I have a scope on the SPI Out & Clock lines, and I can see that the data is definitely sent.

Does this mean that the Async mode IRQs don’t work, or is there some special trick needed to get the traces?

Forgot to mention: it’s a Q2686; Firmware R72a00
And I’m using M2MStudio 1.0.2

Cross-post: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=3463

Same Problem

Sorry, I forgot to update this with the “solution”! :blush:

Everything was actually working fine: the “trick” is just the fact that the IRQ Traces come on different “flows” to the main application - so I just needed to enable those “flows” in the TMT (or M2MStudio Target view)

The “flows” are:
ADL - for the main application - as usual;
LLH - for the Low-Level Handler;
HLH - for the High-Level handler.

See the description of adl_trcPrint in the ADL User Guide.


Trace	ADL	2	M95XX0 Driver write
Trace	ADL	2	12 
Trace	ADL	2	Setting address length to : 0
Trace	ADL	2	[M95XX0 Driver] compute access (opcode : 6000000 (length 8); address : 0 (length 0))
Trace	ADL	2	Setting address length to : 16
Trace	ADL	2	[M95XX0 Driver] compute access (opcode : 2000000 (length 8); address : 10000 (length 16))
Trace	ADL	2	Asynchronous mode is correctly set
Trace	ADL	2	M95XX0 Driver write
Trace	ADL	2	12 
Trace	ADL	2	Setting address length to : 0
Trace	ADL	2	[M95XX0 Driver] compute access (opcode : 6000000 (length 8); address : 0 (length 0))
Trace	HLH	2	High level Bus handler
Trace	ADL	2	Setting address length to : 16
Trace	ADL	2	[M95XX0 Driver] compute access (opcode : 2000000 (length 8); address : 10000 (length 16))
Trace	HLH	2	High level Bus handler
Trace	LLH	2	Low level Bus handler
Trace	LLH	2	Low level Bus handler

But note that the order doesn’t (always) seem to be quite right…

The LLH flow also seems to be used by any TRACE in the Event Handlers in the UART Direct Access service - but this does not seem to be documented anywhere?

and ADL 20 seems to be used bu any timer you use in your program (also undocumented)

Yes; already noted - see: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=1422&p=14854&hilit=undocumented+trace#p5205