Anyone available for hire to assist me with a Q24 plus and Linux?
Anyone available for hire to assist me with a Q24 plus and Linux?
Where are you based?
USA, Colorado… via remote is ok, I have specific questions and have used USB SMS modems before…
I have paypal as well for payment(s)…
If anyone is available to assist me getting a new Q24Plus working with Linux please let me know…
Contact me at
The Q24 is a very old, obsolete series from Wavecom, and as I understand haven’t been manufactured by either Wavecom or Sierra Wireless for a number of years.
Where did you buy it ‘new’? Can the suppliers not help you?
My recollection of these is that they are not USB enabled - only serial/RS232. So Linux should be straight forward - connect to the module using the serial port and then use PPP & CHAT to do the connection (just the same as if you were using a standard serial modem). Big trick is the number to dial - I think it’s
ATDT *99#
As a starter, have a look at this link: 3G and GPRS modems with pppd. Remember that you will be on a serial port (/dev/ttyS0 or similar depending on your hardware and linux distribution).
Also, remember that the Q24 is a 2G device, and the best you’re going to get out of it is 44kBits/sec.
ciao, Dave
Thank you for taking the time to respond. This is a new unit, and has 32 cell modems/radios with a USB interface. There is not RS232 port on the black box. I am assuming there is some sort of SERIAL to USB to SERIAL type of driver that may be needed.
I use a software package called SMS Server Tools 3 which has wavecom device support.
I did connect the chassis to a VMWARE ESXI machine and I can see the controller, and the first 8 MODEMS…
My next step is to connect it to a PHYSICAL LINUX machine and see if I can simply see all the TTYUSB0,1,2,3,4,5,6, Does that sound like a logical next step to you?
This is the device I bought!
Thanks for the link.
First, I’ll re-iterate - the Q24 series of modems are very obsolete. And Wavecom itself was taken over (and products rebranded) by Sierra Wireless some years ago. So I have my doubts about the authenticity of the new Q24 modems in this unit you have bought.
I wouldn’t use a VMWare ESXi host to do the testing on here - there’s a whole lot of USB pass-through stuff that has to work in the hypervisor before you can see it in your virtual machine. Start with real hardware - maybe even a Linux live cd would be a good start (because they tend to have ALL the drivers compiled into the kernel).
Fire up your Linux box, and tail /var/log/messages (or /var/log/kern depending on distribution). Then plug in your USB connection to the modem cluster, and watch for messages enumerating /dev/ttyusbx devices. This will give you some info on the driver being used to talk to the USB-Serial chip inside the modem cluster - which you will require to get either Linux or Windows working properly.
As far as only seeing the first 8 of the 32 devices, I suspect that the default in the Linux kernel driver is for a maximum of 8 devices. Once we find out which driver the modem cluster requires, we can look through the module settings and see if we can change the module parameters to support more devices.
ciao, Dave
Copy that, and understood… A real physical machine it is! I will test asap and report back what I find…
I appreciate you taking the time to reply… Hal