AT+WIPCREATE=2,1,“ip address”,port number
These commands don’t work in the SL8092.
Are there other commands to set up the connection in the SL8092?
Where can I find the at commands (including the tcp/ip stack ones) for the SL8092?
I set up the TCP connection in the SL8092 module with commands:
AT!PADSETUP=1,2,94.server ip address,0,port,0,1
However, I could set up the connection only sending the commands via USB.
If I try to send these command via UART I receive error.
Do you have any idea why?
I’m working with a sierra development kit.
Another simple question. Where can I find the AT commands of the 8092 (apart from the 2130616 Extended AT Commands).
I found these docs:
2130617 Standard AT Commands v7.pdf