I’m trying to upgrade firmare on SL6087,
tried all of them, even exactly same what installed on module
and getting error:
reading version
received rev: R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087
Install failed: no delta nor full binary available for the system [R7.47.6.201212170952.SL6087,R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087]
that’s unbelievable
NONE of published firmwares for SL6087 has a FULL binary link,
neither none of them have patch for FW: 7.47.0
even when I upload manually application with FULL binary link
it wont upgrade:
reading version
received rev: R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087 decided to install FULL
install exec sent
the device accepted for processing the OMA-DM FUMO command
download acknowledged by the device
device acknowledged the Exec with 410
Impossible to execute command [the application revision ‘R7.52.0.201500000000.SL6087’ doesn’t match the installed firmware revision : ‘R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087’]
and of course I can’t upload new firmware with old revision name ‘R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087’ as its already published my Sierra.