Hi friends, i was looking to sample CGPS applications (QueryApp, SimpleSample) and i’ve not seen a simple way to get NMEA frames directly into code (without using AT cmds). I’m coding on FastTrack Xtend with IESM IO+USB+GPS (Opus I), since a week, so i’m a little unexperienced. Anyone can help me ?
Why do you want NMEA frames?
Surely, your app will just have to convert them straight back into numerical values anyhow…?!
I need NMEA frames because there is no ‘speed’ field in struct app_GpsPosition_t … any suggestions ?
No, you’re missing the point: you don’t need NMEA frames for that!
NMEA frames are just a way of conveying data - they don’t just invent it from nowhere!
You would have to determine the speed first, then put it into an NMEA frame - only to decode it again immediately!
You need to look at the PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) structure, erPvtStruct.
That’s where the samples that produce NMEA frames get the information from…
[size=150]hi, i’m in to the same problem, i like to run the gps the fastrack, but i do not run the commands. why?
What do you needed to work ?
greetings from México