send data tremotely to serial port on gx400

Hello. I have an airlink gx400 gateway (modem), and I need to send data to its serial port from a web page. Can someone say me how to make this, please? I have currently an application on Lua running on airvantage web site and it can read from a web page on this site the data on serial port, but now I need to make the data sending.


I don’t really understand your use case, could be please detail more precisely what you want do?

“I need to send data to its serial port from a web page.”
Where do you expect the web page to be hosted? On the device? Or your own web server?

“an application on Lua running on airvantage web site”
I don’t get that. Did you mean:
The Lua application is running on the GX and the application can be remotely managed on AirVantage?

“it can read from a web page on this site”
Please give a link to the code that does that. Who wrote that ? Or where did you find it?

