Requesting help for University Project


Hopefully someone will be able to help me. I’m doing a University project on behalf of a company who provide Variable Message Signs which use the AirLink GX Series for remote connections.

I have developed a system which monitors these signs and incorporates some other business data however the company I am doing it for has just moved to AWS VPNs and is currently no longer able to grant me remote access so I’m unable to continue development.

If anyone would be able to provide me with some example HTML/XML produced via a remote connection to one of these devices so I could write a script to parse the data it would be a huge help. Obviously please ensure that any sensitive data such as IP/names/password ect is removed from it first.

If anyone has any experience working with these devices I would also greatly appreciate it if you would be so kind as to get in contact and answer a couple of questions it would also help a lot.

Thanks for your time,


Hi @gareth,

Do you mean that after you set up VPN, you is unable to access ACEmanager via WAN IP?


Hi @cherokee, thanks for replying.

The company I was working with has change VPN and I no longer have access to ACEManager on any of their devices and it’s been difficult negotiating getting access again due to their security responsibilities.

What I was hoping for was a couple of HTML files so I no longer need access to the signs and I can mock automating the collection of the geolocation data and the device voltage data by writing a simple scraping algorithm.

This image for example:

If I could get an HTML document for the tabs for Location and whichever tab gives details about the device battery voltage, I would be able to write a script to parse it which will be enough for what I need for my project.

If anyone could log into a device they use, navigate to one of those tabs and ctrl-s save the page as a file, and then please remove any sensitive data like location or any identifying/security values, it would help me immensely.

Thanks for your time,


Hi @gareth,

Please download the attached file. For battery voltage, you can find it at Advanced tab. (1.3 MB)



Hi @cherokee,

I really cannot thank you enough for this, it’s exactly what I was hoping for!

Good health to yourself and your family and friends in these challenging times :slight_smile:


Hi @gareth,

Thank you so much. You and your family too. :smiley:

If your question is answered please help to tick solution.

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