I use Q2698 with firmware 7.50A2 and ADL6.50A2. From document “ADL User Guide for Open AT
Framework OS 6.50.A2 for AirPrime SL808xT and Q2698” (file ADL_User_Guide.pdf) I read at page 265 Paragraph 3.25 - RTC Service that “For AirPrime SL808xT & Q2698 embedded modules the RTC is reset at each module power on.”.
What does it mean ? That the RTC is not mantained also if it’s present the external RTC backup battery ?
If yes, it’s a temporary situation that will be solved with a firmware upgrade ?
Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me
From the PTS for SL808xT, there is no RTC backup in hardware. The clock will reset on each reset.
From the PTS for Q2698 it appears to exist RTC backup battery pin.
In ADL guide for 6.52 beta the same Caution exists however, so it’s hard to say what they really mean when it comes to Q2698.