After installing Sierra Wireless Software Suite v2-31 and opening my last ADL project for Q24PL, M2M studio 1.1.1.xxxxx do some automatic project conversion and components downloading.
No errors during conversion process, but resulting project won’t buld. Compiler (ADS 1.2) can’t find any adl_xxx.h files. This files located in
…/Sierra Wireless/m2mstudio/dropins/com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.lib.os.model. ( )…
but project tree lists only
…/Sierra Wireless/m2mstudio/dropins/com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.lib.os.model. and
…/Sierra Wireless/m2mstudio/dropins/com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.lib.os.model. with all the attendant.
Because of no internal tools available for editing include paths i was forced to add missing path manually into .cproject file in my project directory. Now project builds and works.
Hard to check now you’ve fixed the issue, but a solution would have be to re-applying the project properties dealing with your project dependencies (Project properties > Open AT Application).
However, you can edit include paths just by going to Project properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols, but one again, include paths inherited from the dependencies are automatically generated according to what is configured on the property page mentionned above.