I am using 661_09gg.Q2686H 1925236 100506 11:13 core firmware, and I can’t tell how it happened, but the module went into a weird state:
After turning on / reset I am able to send one (exactly one!) AT command from the PC over UART 1. And only if it is sent quickly without delay between characters. If I type in, the module will only echo the first character and then no more.
If I turn off and on again, and then do a AT+WOPEN=1, the application will run, but also I will only be able to input one command to the application. But the application continues to run without problems - excecpt that there is no inbound UART 1 communication possible!
Did anybody also experience this problem, or is it just me? How can I fix this (don’t tell me to reflash the core firmware - I know that will do it… but it would be only possible by removing the module from the device which I prefer not to do many times…)
I had problems with the upgrade to the 6.61os. It can be something like I had. This firmware version is the first to take care of the DTR signal who must be at 0 level otherwise nothing is sent. Try to look at this.
Thank you very much! I am pretty sure this is the problem!! I wasn’t able to test it yet, but I have another question:
Do you know, if it is possible to set the DSR signal of the modem. I found in the ADL User Guide just a way to poll DSR (I guess they mean DSR of the PC). I would need to set the other way from the modem to the PC… Is it possible to set this, too? Or is it automatically set, when the port is opened?