Octave - message charging


Regarding Octave message charging.

Are the messages charged only when data is sent over the air (e.g. Octave Edge <-> Octave Cloud)?

Or are messages charged in other circumstances such as data flowing between Cloud Actions and Cloud Streams?



Hi John:

It’s OTA data only that is charged. More detail here: https://www.sierrawireless.com/octave/pricing/

Any other questions on pricing don’t hesitate to ask!


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Hi Bryan

I think it’s the https://octave.sierrawireless.io/device/ GUI that may have confused me.

device/observations example

device/streams example

Using the above examples is it correct to say that

  1. Only device/observations are sent over the air? (charged for) e.g. Observations ad_c and od are streams over the air
  2. Stream lm36 flows data from the cloud - because the lm36 stream doesn’t have an (Edge) device observation the data isn’t sent to the (Edge) device



Hi John:

You are correct in your statements. I see how this is confusing though! :thinking:

Thanks for bringing this topic up. We’ll look at how to improve the clarity.

  • Bryan
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