Using a Python ORP remote device
I’m assuming that when an obj.create_sensor() is called and the Octave Web UI displays
That pressing “TRIGGER” should cause the remote devices callback function to be called?
When I press “TRIGGER” in the WP7702 log i see
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1157]/avcDaemon T=main | coap.c CoapMessageHandler() 234 | Rx Msg from server: code 3 streamStatus 0 contentType 60 length 68
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | cloudInterface[1176]/cloudcomp T=main | av.c coapHandler() 147 | PATH: /cloudInterface/dh/cmd
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1157]/avcDaemon T=main | coap.c le_coap_SendResponse() 412 | Response: CoAP response from app
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | cloudInterface[1176]/cloudcomp T=main | main.c ExecCommand() 298 | Server sent command: {"t":2,"i":62565,"r":{"/remote/sensors/uplinkMeasured/trigger":1}}
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | cloudInterface[1176]/cloudcomp T=main | operation.c RunSetDefaultValue() 370 | admin_SetNumericDefault("/app/remote/sensors/uplinkMeasured/trigger", 1.000000)
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | dataHub[1198]/dataHub T=main | resource.c res_SetDefault() 1243 | Setting default value to incompatible data type numeric on resource of type trigger.
Jan 6 00:16:36 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | cloudInterface[1176]/cloudcomp T=main | operation.c RunPushValue() 339 | admin_PushNumeric("/app/remote/sensors/uplinkMeasured/trigger",0, 1.000000)
I don’t see anything at all on the WP7702 serial port.
Any ideas - is this expected behaviour?
Thanks in advance