Orp command send over uart on mangoh red seems not working

I am using a mangoh red device and i am trying to send some orp commands using the test orp python script. I have already configure my device in octave on device/services and either UART1 or UART2 doesnt seems to work. On resources field cannot see the orp/assets created.
while i am sending the command over the test python i get back only the :

create input num lr1110
Sending: IN01Plr1110

I checked with oscilloscope , the Rx pin seems to receive from laptop , but there is no any activity on Tr line.

root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# legato version
root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# octave version

any idea?

Hello @achamouzas ,

I am sorry for the inconvenience you are facing with Octave solution.
I am able to reproduce the same issue. There is an UART initialization bug with version 3.5.2 of the Octave image for mangOH Red boards.
As a workaround you can take the module-only WP77 image which does not have the bug:

You will loose the capability to use the mangOH sensors with this image but ORP is OK.

If you really need the mangOH Red sensors then I suggest you to downgrade your module to red 3.3.1 version.

Lastly, please use dedicated Octave forum for Octave related issues:
