Hi, i´m having the following problem with a great amount of Q2501B modules:
The module works fine, registers on the GSM network and GPRS
After several days in field(vehicles) GSM registration for a specific operator (TIM-Brazil) does not work anymore.
GSM registration does work with other operator, but not with the first one, even after restoring factory settings (at&w) and using DWLWIN to rewrite OpenAT.
PS: It happens in some modules, others work fine…
Same place, same antenna. Not shure about the signal strength of the other modules. But the thing is that i register some(sufficient) GSM signal on the broken module, but there is no GSM registration.
i have the same problem with TIM-BR (only TIM), with Q24PLUS !! However, when module is restarted the problem is solved. I have the same equipment with others operators without problem. Why ? I have no idea.
Hi hegler, do you find it possible that some module may be “out of frequency”? Since, as far as I noticed, the only difference between the GSM providers is the operation frequency(signal strength are pretty much the same).
I think this is not possible. Since the exchange of band is only possible by command AT+WBSM and exchanged once it becomes permanent (written in Flash). In my case, after restart the equipment, everything become normal.