New Developer Studio 3.2 release

Hi all,

Please note that new Developer Studio 3.2 release is available for update from now.
This new version is compatible with Legato 14.10, and provide a set of new features (notably management of built Legato packages, and support of Legato features on Windows hosts).
Developer Zone content (release note, getting started guide) is under update and should be ready soon.

Enjoy using this new Developer Studio version!

Is that just as an update, or is there a standalone “clean” installer :question:

Yes there is one. While waiting the docs to be updated online, PFA the draft versions of the release note and Getting Started (with links to installers inside). (20.1 KB)

Hi Daav,

Thanks for the docs and link.

But the installer referenced in the docs is the ‘short-form’ installer - it needs to download individual components from the internet for each install.

This is a bit rough when you have 2 or 3 (or more) machines to install the packages on. Each install is more than a few hundred MB - so it takes quite a while to download (and uses lots of bandwidth). Especially here in Oz where download quotas are measly and bandwidth is expensive.

Are you going to build a ‘complete’ installer that can be downloaded in one go? If not, can you please? I know it’s going to be big, and is probably going to be complex to cover the range of modules - but if it’s one big bundle, then I can download it once and install it on multiple machines in my office.

Alternatively, some instructions on building a local dev studio mirror would be cool. I’ve got a local mirror running for the framework packages, but not for the dev studio updates.

Another minor issue - in the Hardware step, you can only select one module to install. I’m working across the Q2686, Q2698 and FXT100 modules, so I’m going to have to go back and either re-install another copy (and the extra downloads), or figure out how to add the additional modules once DS has completed installing.

On the up side - the new installer with the steps explicitly laid out along the top looks really good.

ciao, Dave

Thanks for your feedback.

It’s true that there are no “big” installer.
Can we give a try to the mirroring solution, in order to address your use case?
What you’ll need:

  • a mirror for DS repository
  • a mirror for packages repository
  • a mirror for external installers (drivers, Boot2Docker (if you’re interested in Legato on Windows))

Concerning external installers, they are downloaded by our DS installer in the target directory before being executed, so if you run the full install at least one time, you have already got them.

For DS repository mirroring, you’ll need at least an already installed DS to perform it (or even maybe a simple Eclipse install, as it is entirely done with Eclipse).
Two commands to be executed:

devstudio -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.mirrorApplication -source -destination file:C:/tmp/dsMirror (should be short)

devstudio -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication -source -destination file:C:/tmp/dsMirror -verbose -ignoreErrors (should be long, a bit more than 300MB to be downloaded)
Note that this technique won’t mirror the Open AT GCC toolchain, as its repository is shared by several DS versions. So you can either redistribute the installed directory from an existing DS install, or mirror the repository as above, from the … /gccOAT474 URL.

For packages mirroring, you can either redistribute those you have install with DS, or use the same mirroring mechanism than for DS.

Then, you can tell to the installer from where to download its stuff.
The easiest way is maybe to create a .bat file aside of the installer executable, and to add these parameters to the installer command line:

@echo off set repo=file:C:/tmp/dsMirror set spmRepo=file:C:/tmp/packagesMirror installer.exe -install.Declipse.p2.metadata=%repo% -install.Declipse.p2.artifacts=%repo% -install.Dds.spm.repo=%spmRepo% (use the spmRepo stuff only if you’ve mirrored the packages the same way that for DS repository; otherwise, you should just uncheck the package install option, and install them from DS after)

Then you only need to run the .bat file, in order to install DS from your mirror.
Note: if you prefer, you can also share your local mirror through HTTP; you only need to have the files served by a basic HTTP server.
And that’s it. Please tell me if you have questions or troubles.

Last words concerning the hardware filter at the beginning of the installer:
This filter selects what’s compatible with your hardware for drivers and packages. DS in itself will be installed exactly the same way for all modules. So if you have multiple modules to use, the recommended way is to do a first install with a given hardware, and then to install additional packages from DS, and additional drivers from the Developer Zone.

wow, probably one of my longest post here :exclamation:
Just hoping everything is clear; if not, please just ask :wink:

oh, and by the way, the docs (release note and getting started) are now updated on the Developer Zone.

Hi Daav,

Thanks for the info on setting up the local mirrors. It’s much appreciated.

I’ll let you know how I get on.

Ciao, Dave

Hello everyone,

I’ve installed Developer Studio 3.2 with the legato 14.10 packages for the WP7102.
I used Developer Studio 3.1 with 14.07 and everything worked well. Since the update, the Developer Studio cannot find the needed paths for the toolchain and for “mkapp”.
This is what I get in the console when I try to build an app:

13:31:33 **** Incremental Build of configuration Target_Legato_Debug for project voicecallTest ****
make all
cd …;mkapp -t wp7 -o Target_Legato_Debug -w Target_Legato_Debug -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/dataConnectionService -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/cellNetService -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/audio -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/supervisor -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/modemServices -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/voiceCallService -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/interfaces/positioning -i /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/build/wp7/airvantage/runtime/itf -i “…/voicecallClient/api” -i “…/voicecallServer/api” -c “…” -C -g -L -g voicecallTest.adef --append-to-version=20141117133133
/bin/sh: /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/bin/mkapp: cannot execute binary file
make: *** [app] Error 126

13:31:33 Build Finished (took 68ms)

Also I upload a screenshot of my preferences where I gave the path to the toolchain:

Can someone help me with this issue?


I agree - and I think we’ve had this discussion before?

Yes, the repeated download time is a pain.

I think it is really important to be able to download a complete, standalone installer. Particularly, to be archived with a customer project so that it can revived at any time by anyone, should that become necessary - for support, maintenance, etc…

Yes, please :exclamation:

Absolutely! Also, out of the office - and for archive, as noted above.

I would really rather not have to do this.

I also tend to work across multiple modules (probably multiple clients)

And what’s happened to WMP100 support :question:
I know it’s not recommended for new designs, but there are still plenty of existing designs requiring support & maintenance - including your very own GL Series :exclamation:
(there have been several requests for this recently on the forum)

Several things to verify:

  • Regarding your project target platform configuration, is it referencing both Legato App Framework and Toolchain packages?
  • If this is the case, you should clean the toolchain preference entry; this is a deprecated setting (usable for debug purpose only). Now the toolchains are installed as packages and resolved per project through the toolchain package dependency.
  • Please can you also have a look to App Framework package bin directory, and toolchain bin directory, and verify the x attribute is set?

Concerning offline installer issues, we’ll probably won’t stop to provide them for Open AT.
But as you may have noticed, DS deliveries are now synchronized on Legato ones; I mean that this DS 3.2 delivery will be integrated in next Open AT offline installer, but it’s true we’re not rebuilding all offline installer for all products when only DS is delivered.

I think the problem is that I work on a 32-bit ubuntu version and the executables only work on 64-bit OS.
This is what I get when I try the ‘file’ command on the executable:

dani@ubuntu:/opt/swi/legato-af$ file /home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/bin/mkapp
/home/dani/.devstudio/packages/legato.framework.14.10.0.Beta.rc4/resources/legato/bin/mkapp: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xebd28c35646c150f38605954f5ce489b9e4d15a6, not stripped

Can I specify the architecture when I install the packages? Or what can I do to install the packages for a 32-bit OS?


Yes indeed, delivered packages are only including binaries for 64 bits hosts.
For the moment, to use Legato on a 32 bits host, you’ll need to build it from the source code, and keep on using the preference system to point on the manually installed 32 bits toolchain.