Need help on FTP

Hi All,

    I was connected Wavecom's Fastrack Supreme to a Mechine(CNC) via UART Port, This Mechine contains some files. Fastrack Supreme supports GSM, GPRS and FTP.  So, is it possible to take that files prasent in that mechine and send to my FTP server.

Yes, it is! :smiley:

First, you need to find out how to extract these “files” from your “machine”.

Then you need to transfer them to your server.

The Wavecom SDK documentation tells you how to do FTP in Open-AT, and includes examples.

You will have to find out for yourself how to extract the “files” from your “machine”…

Hi awneil,

      Thanks for the reply. Yes i seen the FTP - Open-AT sample code; Ok when i am trying to send the File to the server by using this samples, Initeally it is sending the file through connection channel to the server. Later through data transfer channel it is sending the Data(Buffer) in to that file. Is it right?

So according to my application, i have to read the data through UART, collect that data in to a buffer, From this i have to use the FTP and writre that buffer in to the File.

      Basically i am looking for, to send the the File and it's contents(Data) directly from Mechine to the Server using Wavecom OpenAT API. Because i was tried the same using AT cammands, (Below mentioned)      


The file is sent to the server, with it contents. So i would like to implement the same using OpenAT - API
Please tell me how to implement.


No. The “Connection Channel” is not used for data transfer.

The Connection Channel, as its name suggest, is purely to manage the connection - see section 7, “File”, in the WIP Development Guide:

Yes - it is the Data Transfer Channel channel that actually carries the data.

Not sure what you mean by, “the file and its contents” - what else is there of the file other than its contents?

What did you use to send the AT commands?
Can the machine be programmed to do this?

If the machine can be programmed to do this, then maybe it has the capability to just use the Fastrack as a dumb modem…?