MC809x USB Serial Linux interface


I have a Airprime MC8092 module for evaluation purposes.

I don’t find any documentation about USB Serial interface.
Five USB tty are created by usb Serial sierra driver.
My guess is :
1 - debug
2 - AT/SMS
3 - Voice
4 - DATA

Where is it defined ?
Can we configure/switch them ?
It seems to support 27.007 AT commands, including CMUX … is there any sample code around it ?
How to use PPP with this modem ? (it seems that only Direct-IP is available through USB net sierra_net driver)



Hi Martin,

The USB Developer Guide is available here:
Please refer to SL809x’s description as they share the same FW.

It can runs legacy (PID: 683C) or DirectIP (PID:68A3) so the port mapping depends, normally:
1 - DM
2 - CnS
3 - NMEA
4 - AT
5 - AT/PPP

There are dedicated AT and PPP port so MUX is not necessary and yes, we can setup PPP dialup on both AT and PPP port.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for this quick and efficient reply.

However, is it possible to get three AT/PPP links (2 AT and 1 PPP) ?

As additional questions, does the MC809x support same firmware upgrade tools than sl808x ?
I usually used embedded flashing tools for arm (SwiFirmwareDownloadUMTSarm9 + swisdk) to upgrade sl808x firmwares.
Do I need upgrades ? Where can I find CWE firmwares for MC809x ?



Hi Martin,

I don’t think it is possible to have 2 AT + 1 PPP in current FW, but you may get 1 AT + 3 PPP.
Please check supported configuration via “AT!UDUSBCOMP=?” command.

By the way, what’s the reason to have 2 AT? maybe you can switch to use SDK API with CnS (as you already using CnS SDK for FW upgrade).

For FW upgrade, same tool can be used, but you need specific FW package for MC809x.
Please contact your FAE/distributor to obtain it.

Hope this helps.