Could someone help me?
I tryed to use M1306B with samples from SDK (version 3.19) and all was good (I saw trace in TMT and sent at commands thanks to TE).
But after I download myApp to device, it has some issues.
It connect via hyperterminal on 115200 bps but typing commands is so slow (looks like modem has another speed, but on another speed it does not work).
I try to work with modem via TMT I have the issues described in viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2456&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
With sample app I did not see incorrect trace.
- In other topics DWLWin is advised to use to restore app.
My disributor do not reply yet to my request, so I still not have latest firmware for my modem (only *.dwl files in Firmware folder).
I try to download to modem HelloWord app (*.wpb file), but DWLWin says:
For Wireless CPU Type I used “Q2406”
“Status: Boot failure. Cannot connect with target.
Cannot boot up the remote target: cannot reckon target”
For Wireless CPU Type I used “Auto Detect”
“Status: Boot failure. Unknown baseband or unexpected answer received.
Cannot boot up the remote target: autodetection failed”
Is it possible to restore modem any ways? Is it possible to stop my app istead of at+wopen=0?
Best regards,