Hi all, I’m looking to use a LX-60 to connect to via a Raritian Dominion SX2 ? I have the SIM provisioned and l want to do his to go via the LX-60 USB to hop onto the Raritan so I can ssh to it… Almost like using the a dialup line. I can get only the LX-60’s ACE manager page from over the LTE but that’s it… Can never past to the Raritan. I tried the 3 USB ports on the back and the single one in the front of the Raritan. nothing work. the main thing I did for the LX-60 was set the security section to be ‘automatic’ for ‘dmz host enabled’. Also created the ‘modem group’ in Raritan as per documentation… I have told by Sierria the Lx-60 is the new model of the ES450 so was hoping it can work. Any help will be appreciated.
one more thing to add, on the ‘LAN’ tab, ip passthrough is set to “USB”
Hi Markk,
You should assign to a user group with Modem Access permissions on SX 2. This is a security measure that helps control who can access SX 2 via the modem. For example, create a user group called Sierra Wireless Users and give the group Modem Access permissions, then assign only users who need access to the modem to that group.
The Enable Broadband Modem feature must be enabled in SX 2 in order for users to access SX 2 via the Sierra Wireless modem. This is a global-level feature, so it is disabled by default in order to prevent all users from being able to access SX 2 via the modem.
Configure the Sierra Wireless Modem:
- Sierra Wireless must be configured for Public mode.
- Host Connection Mode must be set to “USB Uses Public IP”.
- USB Device Mode must be set to “USBNET”.
Configure the SX 2: - Modem Access permission is assigned to a user group on the Group page, and the user is then assigned to the group on the User page. For more information, see User Profiles and Groups (https://help.raritan.com/sx2/v2.1.0/en/index.htm#5078)
- The SX 2 configuration has the same sub net mask as the LX60 .
A post was split to a new topic: Https://forum.sierrawireless.com/t/lx60-to-a-raritan-ksx2/17061