Latest stable FW for FX30s 3G (Serial)

What is the latest stable fw for this version?

Firmware Version: SWI9X15Y_07.11.22.00 r33729 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2017/01/11 18:04:06
Bootloader Version: SWI9X15Y_07.11.22.00 r33729 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2017/01/11 18:04:06
Linux Version: 3.14.29ltsi-a00e464379_94c553cd74 #2 PREEMPT Fri Apr 13 17:45:27 EEST 2018

How can i change TZ from UTC to EET?


Please refer to below link for latest FW of FX30s 3G (Serial)

How can i change TZ from UTC to EET?

You can try to use AT+CCLK command to update your time, including timezone information.
