The output: ADL_RET_ERR_BAD_HDL. According to the documentation, this value is returned “if a GPIO required by the provided bus configuration is currently
subscribed by an application.” How could this be? I’m only using one port! What am I doing wrong here?
What module are you using? The thoughts below are with regards to the Q2686 and Q2698 modules.
Make sure that the GPIO is
not used by another module - eg not a GPIO used by the UART as (in the case of the UART) ALL 9 GPIO are used by the UART module even if you’re only using UART 5 wire or 2 wire mode. You can how the UARTs are assigned by using AT+WMFM. If the uart is ‘open’ that means it is under control of the firmware, and all the GPIO are assigned to the UART hardware.
If the module is Q2686/Q2687 make sure that the GPIO keyboard functionality is not enabled - see AT+WHCNF
If the GPIO is otherwise used by the Firmware - see AT+WIOM
All that said, from your code you are trying to use GPIO20 (hardware pin 48) as your CS - and my reading of the Q2686 and Q2698 PTS documents indicate that this GPIO is not shared between modules.
I’m also not sure if your Clock speed of 0 is correct - although the ADL guide says that it is. I use the following:
#define PCLK 13000 // Max Clock Freq in kHz)
#define SPICLK 6000 // desired clock freq (in kHz)
// SPI bus subscription data
// SPI2
const adl_busSPISettings_t SpiLcdConfig =
(PCLK/(1 + SPICLK)), // SPI bus speed (should be 6000kHz)
ADL_BUS_SPI_CLK_MODE_3, // SPI Bus mode (CLK idle HI, Data read on Rising Edge)
ADL_BUS_SPI_ADDR_CS_GPIO, // Set up chip select pin (use GPIO pin)
ADL_BUS_SPI_CS_POL_LOW, // chip select Active state (LOW)
ADL_BUS_SPI_MSB_FIRST, // data are sent MSB first
ADL_IO_GPIO | 35, // GPIO to use for CS - not applicable for CS_HARD
// BUS Handle
s32 SpiLcdHandle = ERROR;
s32 spiOpen( void )
u32 maxClock;
// subscribe to SPI bus (SPI2 for LCD)
adl_regGetHWInteger("spi_02_Master_MaxFreqClock", (s32 *)&maxClock);
TRACE (( 1, "spiInit: max SPI Clock [%d] ", maxClock ));
SpiLcdHandle = adl_busSubscribe( ADL_BUS_ID_SPI, 2, (adl_busSettings_u *) &SpiLcdConfig);
TRACE (( 1, "spiInit: SpiLcdHandle [%d] ", SpiLcdHandle ));
return SpiLcdHandle;
to set up to talk to a SPI LCD on a Q2686 module.
Just out of interest, can you use GPIO31 (pin 22) as your CS line?