

So to answer the question in a more generic way. 2G, 3G, LTE/5G are all globally licensed bands on a regional basis i.e. you have to pay the local government to operate in them, its the only way it works. So correct the devices we operate on with regards these technologies will not be where a car radio is, you then get the ISM (Industrial, Scentific and Medical) bands which are unlicensed and where Bluetooth, Wifi, LoRa and a million other proprietary technologies work but these are strictly limited by power so they will have a limited effect i.e, 100m or so.

The only time you might hear something on your car radio is when 2G is pinging a base station at full power (for a multitude of different operations but that comes down to poor shielding in the car and for that I am now betraying my age.

