… Are you really sure …?? i actually tried it on my module but it was working fine here( means no +CREG :2 indication ) …
Tell me are you using ne Open AT Application as well…?? Is this scenario happening with a particular firmware or module?
or is it everytime…??
… yah i thought so… So this means it is a module problem only… so what are you planning to do…??
btw did it have the same firmware…?? i wonder if the same thing wud be repeated if we erase the flash, reload the firmware in dat particular module and den again give it a shot… what say…??
hmmm… then it could be a F/w problem… but it wud be gud to test it once… and may be erasing flash n again downloading the f/w wud help…
will hv to wait till u find the naughty module…