I am trying to download a file from url = https://dropbox.com/xxxxxxxxxxxdl=1 and save the file on the gateway to a local file using tlsv1_2 or tlsv1_3. From the above code it seems the following should work but I do not understand how sendString should be configured.
– downloadfile - downloads a file to the gateway
– Returns:
– result - result of this function
– filename - name of file
– fulllocalpath - path where file is stored locally
– resultstr - status info
local function downloadfile(filename, url, isbinary)
local string1 = " Downloading file from: " … url
–print(“UMONIoT”,“INFO”, string1)
-- retrieve the content of a URL
local rawname = url
local fname = filename --rawname:match("[%w+.%w]+$")
local fulllocalpath = FTPATH .. fname
log("UMONIoT","INFO", "Starting download to local directory: " .. fulllocalpath)
local resultstr = "Starting download to local directory: " .. fulllocalpath .."\r"
--local response, resultcode
local response_body = {}
local response, resultcode, respheaders, respstatus;
if rawname:match("https://") then
local https = require'ssl.https'
--response, resultcode = https.request(url) --TLZ commented out v1.4.6 5/9/23, replaced with following code to enable file transfer using tlsv1_2
response, resultcode, respheaders, respstatus = https.request{
--response, resultcode = https.request{
url = rawname,
protocol = 'tlsv1_2',
method = 'POST',
headers = {
[“content-type”] = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”,
[“content-length”] = string.len(sendString) --<---What is sendString????
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body),
source = ltn12.sourcee.string(sendString)
--p(response, resultcode)
log("UMONIoT","INFO", "File download response [" .. response .. "].")
log("UMONIoT","INFO", "File download resultcode [" .. resultcode .. "].")
--log("UMONIoT","INFO", "File download respheaders [" .. respheaders .. "].") causes error
log("UMONIoT","INFO", "File download repstatus [" .. respstatus .. "].")
--log("UMONIoT","INFO", "File download response_body [" .. response_body .. "].") causes error
local http = require("socket.http")
response, resultcode = http.request(url)
--p(response, resultcode)
if resultcode ~= 200 then
log("UMONIoT","ERROR", "Failed to download file. Error code [" .. resultcode .. "].")
resultstr = resultstr .. "Failed to download file. Error code [" .. resultcode .. "]."
return false, nil, nil, resultstr
-- save the content to a file
if isbinary == true then
local f = assert(io.open(fulllocalpath, 'wb')) -- open in "binary" mode
local f = assert(io.open(fulllocalpath, 'w'))
if fname:match("SETUP") then
local newresponse = updateIPandCredentials(response)
log("UMONIoT","INFO", "Successfully downloaded file: " .. fname .. " to gateway.")
resultstr = resultstr .. "Successfully downloaded file: " .. fname .. " to gateway."
return true, filename ,fulllocalpath, resultstr
Can you provide actual source code for this example please? For example, how to build sendString? The code shown above seems out of order. I am a true newbie.