How to start Multi PDN data call using lite-qmi? Basically how to switch between QMAP Mux ID to get data session info?

Hi All,

We are using EM7565 in our product. What do we need to do to start Multi PDN data call? It’s easy to configure multiple profile and start data call on first PDN. Not sure how it works on second and rest of the PDN.

In our application we are using lite qmi sdk. Is there a api to switch between different QMAP mux id to manage Multi PDN call? In other words how to start data call on second PDN ?

Here is a sequence we are using for starting data call

create a profile
set muxid
set ip family preference
starte a data call

Thanks in Advance !!!

Here is an example:

SDKlite_QMAP_MPDN_example.docx (17.7 KB)

Hi Oeden,

Thank you for prompt reply. I am able to make demo app work. We have our own application where we are using libliteqmi library to call api. I am looking for an api to switch to different PDN and assign it specific QMAP mux id and start data call on that PDN.

Hi Dhruval,

I don’t quite understand what you are trying to do.
The modem will always have a default attach and data profile.
In the example doc it is “default” when the modem attaches to the NTWK an IP will be assigned to this PDN.
The second IP is brought up when a second PDN is activated “carlsbad” with the QMI call. ( this PDN was not active after the attach).

Sticking to my example, do you want to bringup the second PDN “carlsbad” first?


Hi Oeden,

I am trying to bring up both PDN. In example application you have 2 separate demo app running to start data call on different PDN. In my case I have one application from where I am trying to activate both PDN and trying to map them to different QMAP mux ID. I hope I am able to explain little better this time…

Thank you!!!

I see.

Did you read this doc?

Let me know if you have further questions