Nice to meet you
I have bought few HL7802 module sample and trying to connect with GSM mode in India. Since it supports 2G fallback.
We have requested module name , it giving as HL7802.
When we requested to see available RAT AT+KSRAT=? , it gives us +KSRAT: (0-1)
But HL7802 should allow to change to RAT mode 2 (GSM mode), since "AT+KSRAT=? " not showing GSM mode I can’t use AT+KSRAT=2, it gives ERROR.
Could you please help me to enable GSM mode, what i am missing here ?
How to enable the GSM mode in HL7802, Do i have send any other commands to enable GSM?
thanks ,
It worked now. After sending AT+WS46=12,
send available network command AT+COPS=? then it got registered into the network.
thank you so much for prompt response.
I would also recommend getting hold of the 4.3.7 firmware through your commercial channel, you probably only have 4.2.2 firmware on there at the moment.
From the module web page
“The HL7802 module for Cat-M1/NB1 worldwide networks with 2G fallback is fully compliant with the 3GPP Release 13 standard and is Release 14 ready to support NB2 features in the future,…”
Thanks Matt, i will. Through our commercial channel i managed to get which has bugs the GNSS is short of working and requires powercyling to work once it stops.
About your concerns for GSM band, it’s not the issue. As far as I know, HL7802 device scans full GSM band when working under GSM mode, so we no need to config the GSM band on +KBNDCFG command.
My HL7802 can register to GSM network and it has the same configuration as yours.
Please bring it to the good signal area. Where the module will respond to the +CSQ command such as below
About the module’s registration, there’s many things which can impact to this process so we can’t judge it by signal quality only.
About your concern for RSSI and BER value, according to our document and 3GPP document.
RSSI=21 can be treated as normal value, however BER=0, it means that module can detect the channel bit error rate so this maybe not good value. Good value can be treated for BER, it should be 99.
This is my first time working with Sierra Wireless modules.
For many years I have worked from my office with various CELL modules from multiple vendors and had no signal issues. My usual office signal strength has always been from 21 RSSI and 0 BER to 24 RSSI and 0 BER.
This makes me think that this might be configuration or hardware related issue.