HL7692 bootloader compatibility


Does anyone know the answer to the following ?

If I have an HL7692 that came with a particular version of firmware, say V2.23 or V2.26, and I reflash with say V2.27, is that new version compatible with the bootloader ? The bootloader remains unchanged. Like most shipping HL7692’s, the IC is fused, which means the bootloader cannot be changed, even if I wanted to.

Same question for an HL7692 that came with V2.23 or V2.27, and I reflash with V2.26. Or one that came with V2.26 or V2.27, and I reflash with V2.23.

Why all these permutations, you might well ask ? The answer is, I’m assessing options for aligning HL7692’s that have come with various firmware versions, due to the inability to specify a particular version when ordering from a distributor. You just get what they have on the shelf, which can be a bit old. Sometimes, they split an order, of say 100, so you might get 27 with one version, and 73 with another version (yes this happened to us). It might be, the minimum amount of reflashing is the most attractive option. Subject to, any compatibility restrictions.

Looking at the ATI10 command output of HL7692’s that came with each of the three versions, there is the following:

Ver   Modem firmware date/time  r number  Bootloader firmware date/time  r number
2.23  2017-06-23 11:44:41       r9909     2017-06-23 11:40:00            r8223
2.26  2018-02-14 12:02:13       r12309    2018-02-14 10:30:00            r8223
2.27  2018-09-07 18:51:19       r12879    2018-09-07 18:51:19            r8223

Is it the case, perhaps, that the r number is a release number ? And if so, is it the case that the bootloader for all three versions, is perhaps identical, except for the date and time embedded within the bootloader ? Or even except for just the filename of the bootloader embedded within the HL7692 ?

r number is visible only in the ATI10 output. r number is not mentioned or shown by the customer release note for each of three versions. The note has a compatibility section. But that just says the HL7692 firmware is compatible with the HL7692. The clue I guess is in the name.

Kind regards,


Hi david.king

All Sierra modems have signed firmware which means that you are unable to load whatever you want onto them.
This is all part of the security from Sierra as it prevents devices being hacked in the field.
Only signed Sierra firmware can be used in the update process.

Firmware RHL769x.2.23.172400.201706231140.x7120m_1
Full Firmware Identification (ATI10) :
Modem-Firmware: RHL769x.2.23.172400.201706231140.x7120m_1
Primary-Boot: RHL769x.
Secondary-Boot: RHL769x.
Update-Agent: RHL769x.
4G-Firmware: 7160.S3.561.41.3.726.02.0000
3G-Firmware: 202.642.640.42-54.35

Firmware RHL769x.2.26.180400.201802141030.x7120m_1
Full Firmware Identification (ATI10) :
Modem-Firmware: RHL769x.2.26.180400.201802141030.x7120m_1
Primary-Boot: RHL769x.
Secondary-Boot: RHL769x.
Update-Agent: RHL769x.
4G-Firmware: 7160.S3.561.41.4.807.05.25422.18265
3G-Firmware: 202.642.640.42-54.35

Firmware RHL769x.2.27.183100.201809071813.x7120m_3
Full Firmware Identification (ATI10) :
Modem-Firmware: RHL769x.2.27.183100.201809071813.x7120m_3
Primary-Boot: RHL769x.2.27.0202170316.201809071813.x7120m_3
Secondary-Boot: RHL769x.2.27.0202170316.201809071813.x7120m_3
Update-Agent: RHL769x.2.27.0300170317.201809071813.x7120m_3
4G-Firmware: 7160.S3.561.41.4.832.02.42004.18265
3G-Firmware: 202.999.643.42-54.35


<version name>
<short version name>
<fuse state>
<build date & time>
<source rev>
<version name>
<build date & time>
<source rev></b>

<version name>
<build date & time>
<source rev>
<version name>
<build date & time>
<source rev>
<4G FW version name>
<3G FW version name>

r number is source code revision in version control ( <source rev>). Source code revision is defined by development team

Please refer to AirPrime_HL76xx_AT_Commands_Interface_Guide_Rev13_0.pdf and AirPrime_HL7692_Firmware_2_27_Customer_Release_Note_Rev2_0.pdf for more details.



Please help to mark “Solution” if your question is answered

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Hi Donald,

Thanks for your reply, and for informing me what the r number is. Ah yes, I can see now that the first linked doc indicates it is <source rev>. As mentioned the second link doesn’t mention.

My main question though is about compatibility, between bootloader and the rest of the firmware. I can probably now infer an answer. But it would be good if you were able to provide.

I can confirm that we have no plans to use firmware other than that provided by Sierra.

Best regards,


Hi @david.king

Yes, the new version compatible with the bootloader.

Hi Donald,

Thanks for your reply. My original question though was more general: It was asking if I start with an HL7692 that came with any of the three versions (2.23 or 2.26 or 2.27), can I reflash it with any of the other two, but leaving the bootloader unchanged of course as fused ?

In other words, are the unchanged bootloader firmware, and changed main firmware, compatible ?

So specifically, if I do any of the following, will the HL7692 still work OK ?

  • Starting with an HL7692 that came with 2.23, reflash with 2.26 or 2.27 ?
  • Starting with an HL7692 that came with 2.26, reflash with 2.23 or 2.27 ?
  • Starting with an HL7692 that came with 2.27, reflash with 2.23 or 2.26 ?

The reason for the enquiry is in the original question: We are trying to understand our options, with some costing more in terms of manufacturing process impact and NRE development time, than others.

Lastly, could I ask about Sierra roadmap for the HL7692 ? Is any upcoming main firmware or bootloader firmware change planned, that would break compatibility ?

Best regards,


Hi @david.king

In this case, please contact your reseller or distributor directly for more supports.

Hi Donald,

Hmm, this is the sort of info confirmation I would want to hear just from Sierra. I would have thought the firmware authors, Sierra, would be best placed to confirm, rather than the distributor. But I can go via our distributor, to see if they can make contact with Sierra to ask. Meanwhile, opening this out, anyone else with Sierra that can confirm ?

Best regards,
