The Windows .exe from the above link does not work for me.
When I run this .exe, it prompts me to “reboot my modem”, but I’m using a Nimbelink S2C enclosure which does not expose a reset button. I tried connecting a serial cable and terminal to the unit at the same time so I could issue a “CFUN=1,1” for a reset, but the Windows .exe from the above link didn’t recognize this as a modem reset.
Hi @lcard,
I have some tips for success. Please follow the video for procedure
I suggest you input at+cfun=1,1 command into the tool first then make double click on EXE then back the tool to press enter to send at+cfun=1,1 command. The window will recognize reset Job
Please try this and share your result
For your issue, I also got the same when trying to upgrade by using DWL file. I am checking if it is an issue or legacy behavior
Please share if you have any concerns and tick Solution if your problem is solved
I believe the problem I’m having with the EXE tool is that it is not finding the correct COM port for the modem. The drivers are installed and I can connect to the modem and issue AT command using a serial console (putty) but the EXE tool does not seem to choose the right port for the modem upgrade.
Is there a way to force the upgrade tool’s COM port selection when I run it?
Yes. I am using USB. The USB connection maps two com ports onto my host: USB1 (COM3) and USB2 (COM4). I believe the .EXE firmware tool is choosing the wrong one. It tries to use USB1 but I think it should be using USB2. I can use a terminal program to send AT commands to the USB2 device, but USB1 is not responsive.
Hi @lcard,
Can you please help to check USB composition by command
If at+kusbcomp=2 please change it to at+kusbcomp=0. New configuration will only be activated after the module reboots (at+cfun=1,1). Then try to upgrade again
In theory, there’s no way to force the tool to use USB2 for upgrading. However, there’s a topic suggest a workaround to do it. If the above doesn’t work you can take a look this for more detail
Please share any concerns you have and tick Solution if your problem is solved
I was able to use that post to get the update tools to connect to to the proper port, but now the update tools is reporting " Warning: Chip mismatch. HW is [None] SW expects [XG716]". I think the device firmware must be corrupt.
Unless you have anything else to try, I’m willing to give up at this point.
Hi @lcard
Have you ever used some GPIO for the shutdown control? We have a legacy issue that the module cannot boot up when power up with GPIO_1 or GPIO_5 pull low. You can refer the topic below for the fix