HiloNCV2 no +CMGS:XXX success return code for a specific text

I use SAGEMCOM Hi2N,A.003.00 and HL6528RD to send SMS using AT+CGMS for years.
With almost any type of text message, It sends the SMS and I get +CMGS:XXX success return code.
Here a correct sending:
[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOSA21] #032#015
RECV[1]:+CMGS: 221
I have an issue when I try to send the following text message : “[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOSA21] #032#015
The SMS is sent correctly but I do not get +CMGS:XXX success return code. Instead I get RECV[1]:>

I tried the following texts and all the one below works well :
“[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 9 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[_] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[Maison] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[s_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[s_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[so_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[HF00100021-IP19-dev] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015”
“[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 9 [SOSA21] #032#015”

Do you have any idea why the text “[Maison_01] 16/03/2021 16:39:21 label logique ON 10 [SOS_A21] #032#015” creates an issue?

Thanks in advance
Best regards,

Hi @hestia,

Have you seen this issue one time or many times?
a, If this issue has happened only one time, please check again.
b, If this issue has happened many times, I think this is a real issue on HiLoNC V2 because other messages are OK and it just happens with specific text.

On https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/sagemcomm2m/hilo/hilonc_v2_software_9,-d-,00/#sthash.l9oFdOvI.dpbs , the latest FW of HiLoNC V2 is 9.00 and published in 2015, but this FW file was removed.
I believe that HiLoNC V2 was end of sale and end of life long time ago.

I think you should consider changing to the HLXXXX series having similar specification to repacle the HiLoNC V2 module. You can find your Sierra Wireless distributor and reseller in link : Authorized Distributors | Sierra Wireless


Hi Jerdung,

I tested several times on two devices and the problem is the same. I cannot upgrade Hilo to latest firmware because we have many products on site that cannot be updated.

My question was whether the specific text I use is triggering a special mode due to a special sequence of characters.

If I cannot spot the special sequence, I will change my code to consider that receiving a “>” response followed by “OK” response means SMS has been correctly sent… That is far from being perfect so any other idea is welcome.

Best regards,
