Question. Sorry but the only Local dealer here that sell these for Sprint has never actualy bought one and this is the first so they have no idea how to set it up for our aplication and I am unable to contact Sierra tech support to get questions answered.
1- can we have the Sprint version set to CDMA only?? The hand off in town from lte to 3g takes so long the Rescue unit is half way to a scene before it conencts when it switchs. Currenlty with our air cards it goes from 3g to 4g fast but them when it looses 4g coverage it takes close to 3 minites to get 3g coverage back causing the Rescue Mobile Data Termial not to be connected for that 3 minite time frame. So we have always told our other vevices to use CDMA only. I cant see a setting for that in the GX450.
- We want to port forward UDP. It looks simple enough but normally I see a host, a port #, a protical (UDP), and a device name to send. on this device I see public start port, public end port, and a private start point. The whole purpous for us to switch to a new modem was so we can port forward the units GPS data via UDP to the server. Its all set up on our end at the firewall with the port number but what field on the unit do I put that port number. Also where would I put the name we want to give it??
TY for any input