I am using the GL6100 Modem with the TCP_Client application, transfering all data to/from the RS232 port (after the application is activated). But, we have seen that sometimes, before application is activated, the unit gives the “ERROR” message to the AT commands (e.g. the AT+wopen=1) and after this happens, it answers with an “ERROR” message to all commands and needs to be rebooted to work again.
In the following line you can see the unit‘s firmware and other information:
“FW”,“FW_SRC_746_8.WMP100x”,“R7.46.0.201108091301.GL6100”,“Sierra Wireless”,2216044,“080911 13:01”,“2f1beedd”,“00020000”
“OAT”,“”,“tcp_client Sample”,“MyCompany”,121048,“022613 09:39”,“5d47917a”,“00260000”
-“Developer Studio”,“”
-“Open AT Application Framework package”,“”
-“Open AT OS Package”,“”
-“Firmware Package”,“”
-“Internet Library Package”,“”
I have seen in another topic that to use the GL6100 we need to use Open AT Framework Package 2.3X and not the 2.5X due to memory issues.
How can we prevent it from hanging? Do we need to upgrade to a new firmware? Which one?