Does anybody know how to put an out of warrentee GL6100 modem in boot mode?
I know that it is not possible without opening up the unit
So I will open the unit up and need to know which pin must be shorted to ground to get the unit in boot mode.
There must be one because they would need this pin during production.
Any help would be appreciated
Hi All
I found the answer to my question
What you need to do is connect the boot pin (pin/ball W18)
to 1.8V pin (pin/ball AD5)
I have found the 2 locations on the pcb
1.8V Location at sim holder
Boot Pin Location
then you can use DWLwin to fix it
I hope this info is usefull to somebody else as well
But please remember when you do this on a in warentee unit, the warentee will be void
But since my unit was already out of warentee, I do not have to worry about that :mrgreen: