Firmware Version.


I’d like to know if the integra modems are always delivered with the last firmware version or is it always necessary to handle this on our own ?

Thank you in advance for any answer.

That would depend entirely upon your supplier!

Thank you for your answer. I just figured out that our supplier delliver us very old 6.41b version… I am kind of angry…

Best regards

You should just convince your distributor to deliver with an other firmware :slight_smile: . If it’s too expensive ( i think it shouldn’t be ) you have to upgrade it yourself…

Hi Tom,

I met him yesterday and he’s going to upgrade the modem to the newest version himself. Then, everythink gonna be OK now.


Does M2106 support GPRS and any firmware upgrade is needed to enable the GPRS option in the modem? … gra_M2106B