I’m not so sure what that error means but I too did upgrade my OpenAT only a couple of days ago. My module also is Q2406B, and I used DWL Win to upload the firmware, followed by dwl.dwl, 655__full_q2406b.dwl. I did not however, had any problems with this procedure.
FYI, Wavecom have advised me that the answer’s in the release notes for 6.55. See section “ Upgrade from X.4x versions to X.55”.
In fact, the explanation is that because the X.5x versions already had DOTA1, then you do not want to reinitialise the DOTA E2PROM memory (you will lose your DOTA settings which you probably don’t want to do if you’re using DOTA already). But because X.4x versions don’t have DOTA1, you need to initialise this memory (DWL file is dota.e2p) - and of course upgrading to X.51 version first also initialises this memory. So there are two methods for upgrading to X.55 depending on which OpenAT version you’re upgrading from!
I just tried to upgrade my M1306B (Q2406B) to 6.55 via HYPERTERMINAL. After flashing I just got the error
Fault 04 00000000 !
And I see this message after power reseting.
How to solve this problem?
As I understand, I should connect BOOT-PIN to GND and use DWLwin with DOTA.E2P,… My distributer is unreacheable now. Where can I download DWLwin and e2p-files?