I have a GPRS data connection between 2 ‘FASTRACK supreme 10’ units.
Both are configured by a PC through the serial port.
“Server” with the AT+ Commands: AT+WOPEN=1, AT+WIPCFG=1, AT+WIPBR=1,6, AT+WIPBR=2,6,11,“internet”, AT+WIPBR=4,6,0, AT+WIPCREATE=3,1,80,5,8, AT+WIPDATA=2,5,1
And “Client” with : …… , AT+WIPDATA=2,5,1, AT+WIPDATA=2,1,1 .
It runs OK and data transfers from side to side beautifully.
Both units should be located outside, in the filed.
Is there any way to save the configuration in the unit’s memory (FLASH or EEPRON)?
So if a RESET (HARD RESET) happens, the configuration will execute automatic, with out the need to do it through the serial port
Thanks for your reply.