FAQ Q#1 Where can I get Open AT SDK?

I have a couple of q2403a and dont know how to start to work with them :slight_smile:
I like Idea to put my code into wavecom modules so it seems i need Open AT SDK. Am i right?

I Have not found any link or mentioning to how and where to download SDK :frowning:
I have visited feedback section of main site several weeks ago and it seems it is not working at all (I have not seen any confirmation page of reception of my feedback or confirmation email. browser - firefox107)


Q1: Where can I get Open AT SDK?
A1: …

I got a fastrack modem M1306B

I want to knwo How can I program the application using c++ to send sms

and where can I get the sdk installation file?

Both of you should contact your local Wavecom Distributor. They are the only ones authorised to distribute the OpenAT SDK CD. :wink:

thanks Arfy