Except RTK ....190 1e 30

DS helpfully decodes this as “Task stack overflow (Except RTK …190 1e 30)” - but how can one tell which of the task stacks has overflowed??

We should add some additional processing there.
The concerned task is indicated (30, both in decimal and hexadecimal), but including all the Firmware’s tasks… And if you don’t know how many tasks there are in the FW, you clearly can’t figure which Open AT task is “exploding” its stack.

Logged as an evolution for a future version.
Meanwhile, please can you tell which FW version you’re using (FW tasks count depends on the used version)?


Does it depend on the platform (FSU/FXT/etc), or is just the version number significant?

Anyhow, the full AT+CGMR responses are:

R7.44.0.201008311212.FXT001 2146096 083110 12:12

R7.44.0.201008311212.FSU004 2146096 083110 12:12

Running tasks count is independent of the hardware.
Firmware versions 7.4X have 30 tasks running, so task ID 30 matches with Open AT task 0 (first line of your application’s task table…)

Great - thanks!


Is it easy to find the Firmware task counts for other versions?

We’ll have a look to summarize tasks count WRT. legacy FW versions, and post it here (waiting for it to be integrated in DS).

That would be great!


Better late that never (we’re currently working on providing more accurate Open AT tasks IDs decoding in next DS release).
Some tips on the legacy version FW tasks count:

  • FW 7.45/7.46: 31
  • FW 7.4X (X<5): 30
  • FW 6.6X: 26
  • FW 6.5X (Q24 modules): 23