EM7565 on AT says OK but all other at commands ERROR

I’m trying to setup my 7565 on Debian 12 to bridge a cell connection to my firewall.

I’ve got the modem installed in the M.2 slot and the sim in the sim slot, and the device is showing up currently as wwan0.

I’m new to cell modems, and I am trying to follow this guide:

I connect to /dev/ttyUSB2 and run AT, which returns OK.
I then try the commands in the guide:


Which returns ERROR

What is wrong here?

Side note, I skipped the qmi setup because I didn’t see any way to allow another device on the ethernet side to obtain an IP direct from the ISP.
If there is a better way of going about this, please let me know.

there is no such command +QCFG for EM7565.
You can download the AT command user guide and see what command is supported in EM7565