EM7565, how to ensure that the 4G link is really down

Hi all,
I would like to be sure when I get into the state DISCONNECT, that the link is really down.
When I do a AT!GSTATUS? I get the mode which is always set as online, then what is used for?
What should I do/use to ensure through an AT command or using the SDK to get the real state of the LTE link?



What is the ps state of at! gstatus?


What I really expect to get is not the network deconnection status, when for example the ping does not work anymore, but a status given back by the SDK to confirm that the hardware link is really down?..
In the structure slqsSessionStateInfo the variable state gives the current link status is that the physical link or the logical (software) status?

didn’t PS state will show if the LTE link is down?

Current Time: 47 Temperature: 26
Modem Mitigate Level: 0 ModemProc Mitigate Level: 0
Reset Counter: 1 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
LTE band: B3 LTE bw: 20 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 1385 LTE Tx chan: 19385
EMM state: Registered Normal Service
RRC state: RRC Idle
IMS reg state: No Srv

PCC RxM RSSI: -65 RSRP (dBm): -90
PCC RxD RSSI: -95 RSRP (dBm): -132
Tx Power: 0 TAC: 0462 (1122)
RSRQ (dB): -5 Cell ID: 06745D16 (108289302)
SINR (dB): 20.4

+CREG: 2,1,“FFFE”,“6745D16”,7

+CGREG: 2,1,“FFFE”,“6745D16”,7


+CREG: 0

Current Time: 108 Temperature: 28
Modem Mitigate Level: 0 ModemProc Mitigate Level: 0
Reset Counter: 1 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: GSM PS state: Not attached
GSM band: GSM900
GSM channel: 124

Serving cell: 0 (Unknown )
RX level (dBm):0.0 LAC: FFFF (65535)
GPRS state: GPRS IDLE Cell ID: 06745D16 (108289302)


thanks for your feedback, I was sick for the last few days and now I am back!
To my concern this PS state was not associated with the hardware part…
Are you sure that is the case, and where did you find these informations?


I guess you can find in AT command guide

No, the AT command guide is not really explicit on it…

What I expect is to really know, using the SDK, to ensure that the physical link is really down when we switch to the DISCONNECTED state…
And any documentation explains it clearly, even not the misc comments in the header files.
That’s why I hope to get a clear status on it, and sierra wireless do not help that much so far…

But thanks anyway

Where do you see this state? RRC disconnect?
I’d isolate the issue first.
What link is dropping?

  1. between the modem and NTWK
  2. between the modem & host

Modem could drop the session and will reattach automatically, when this happens the host will drop the connection too. You should handle this scenario in your host with SDK callbacks.

at!gstatus should always show “attached” state, when the modem is attached at+cgcontrdp will return the IP assigned by the NTWK.