EM7511 device Disapears on Windows 10 device manager

Hello, we have deployed around 150 tablets that have the EM7511 module
and at some locations the modem will not connect to the network, if i drive to a different location it connects fine.
Also when it doesn’t connect what happens is the device disappears from device manager.

these are Windows 10 22h2 tablets.
is there any tools I can use to check why this is happening? is it a problem with the cellular handshake? or something else?

You can run a tera term script to keep asking at!gstatus? To check the signal strength before device disconnects

I’m still having this issue and to me it seems to be location dependant. we tried beta drivers with no fixes, still waiting for someone to chime in with a solution or suggestions?

You can run a tera term script to keep asking at!gstatus? To check the signal strength before device disconnects

by the time the computer boots up and i get a terminal up, the device has already disapeared from device manager

this could be hardware/ power supply issue
Have you checked the voltage?

We have had this issue on a large number of Panasonic CF-33 MK2. We have used the latest drivers to no avail. I have changed out three machines From AT&T to Verizon SIMs using the same drivers and the problem disappears. I do not want to have to take 250 machines to VZW if i don’t have to…Ideas?

Do you see anything in device manager?

I’ve fixed it by updating the EM7511 drivers to Build version 5289
I had to contact Panasonic for them to provide me the driver.

Thanks we will ask we are using 5192