EM7455 firmware update using fwdwl-litearm

Hi, I using the program fwdwl-litearm on our ARM board to update the EM7455 firmware. It seems to work fine. From the log output, it seems to say that the modem is reset before the program exits. Does it mean that I do not need to issue a AT!RESET or AT+cfun=1,1 to reset the modem again after the program exits?


Hi @dchou4u
The tool will reset the modem by itself. When the modem re-enumerates the tool will check if the upgrade was successful or not and provide an output. The user does not need to reset the modem.

Thank you for the speedy reply!

Hi Joseph, does it mean that the tool relies upon the re-enumeration to determine if success or failure? Basically if it does not enumerate, then it is deemed as failure?
What this means is that if update fails, then the modem module is no longer reachable? What is the means to recover from such a situation?

From the output log, it appears to say that the application exits right after the modem disconnects from host. I am not sure if the application is sticking around to check for enumeration.


Hi @dchou4u
The tools will wait for the modem to re-enumerate and check for failure/success. When do you see the app exiting as soon as the modem disconnects? You can check var/log/syslog and monitor the modem enumeration messages and the logs from the application to check what’s happening.
If the modem does not re-enumerate properly, then the tool will wait indefinitely. The modem has recovery mechanisms in it and this should not occur.