Hello all, I’m having some issues with EM7455 4g module. Yes I’m completely new to this module. I have a 5g/4g usb adapter with nano SIM slot. It’s a Dell DW5811e and has an ATT profile. I’ve done all of the driver’s updates. I was trying to flash a different profile like Sprint, T-Mobile etc…NO GO. Simply put: I don’t have a Dell anything as far as PC. All my PCs are custom built. I would like to use different carriers and I would like to use this module and adapter on windows 10, raspberry pi 4, and Linux os. Please someone out there help me with this procedure. And yes I will pay, that’s how serious this is. Thank you in advance.
Hi, dont stress out, its pretty easy to do. Follow this guide to reflash and debrand
Edit: This livecd/script specifically. https://www.ttl.one/2018/07/sierra-wireless-lte-autoflashing-em74xx.html?m=1
Thank you I’ll give these ago and let you know.