EM7455 Cannot Obtain GPS Fix


I am trying to use the EM7455 to obtain GPS information using the dedicated GPS antenna port.
Hardware Setup:
Taoglas Colosseum MA850 5-in-1 Permanent Mount Antennas

Software Settings:
WANT = 1

After entering AT!GPSFIX=1,255,255 the module fails to determine a fix:

Any help is appreciated,
Casey Gross

Hi @casey ,
According to your description, everything is fine so please tell me what firmware are you using on the EM7455 module? So I can recheck.


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Hello. I have the same problem.
But with MC 7455 on latest Generic Firmware.
With USB composition=9 I can Monitor Satelites with Sierra GNNS Tool. But no fix at all.
With USB composition=8 I don’t even get a NMEA Stream.
But I need also a USB Composition with MBIM because it should work in a simple way with Microsoft Maps.

I blocked some Pins to run the Card in USB Mode on the internal M2 slot.

What way I need to walk to get this running with a generic flashed Module? I also use dedicated Connector and Active GNNS Antenna. I will post a AT Output related to the Initial posting for comparing when im Home.

BTW. The Modem on the other Hand works like a charm. Fast and stable with 150/50Mbit inside a Fz-g1.

I tried to use the informations in My MC7710 can't work on Linux after plug-in it to Windows8 - #2 by rickyUm
That include a lot use full informations for the 7455 too.

Out of curiosity, where is your antenna? indoors or outdoors?
If it is an active antenna how are you powering it? Does the Modem supply power through the antenna connector?

Tried indoor and outdoor.
Yes. The mc7455 can supply voltage with At!WANT=1
I can see a list with 14 Satellites but no fix.
I actually try a different way for testing. Testen der Sensorfunktionalität mit dem Sensordiagnosetool - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs

Reached nothing with the tools described before.
Usbcomb=8 works at nothing.
Been back with usbcomp=9

Also i changed some reg keys for the skylight app to enable some hidden functions.
Can anyone from sierra publish additional reg keys for skylight?

i found interesting information in the drivers installer configuration.ini too.

[Default Values]

; Configuration.ini provides OEMs the ability to configure Sierra Wireless MB Driver packages
; The ini file is recommended to be used in conjunction with OEM installer packages
; Associated registry keys are also documented. Most can be used in both INF packages and OEM installers.
; Applicable to products based on Qualcomm MDM9x30 (and newer) chipsets
; Version: 7.75.5043.0004
; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; Silent Install option
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, enabled, no UI or user prompts shown
; x=0, full UI install
; Default: 0

; SWI Diagnostic Utility installation option
; x=1, Skip installation of Sierra Wireless Diagnostic and Logging Utility
; x=0, Install Sierra Wireless Diagnostic Utility
; Default: 0

; Overwrites default USB Composition
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Default is 8 for Windows 7, 9 for Window 8 and newer
; Example: USBCOMP=8

; Option to extract drivers to current folder
; Only applicable to OEM .exe Installers
; x=1, extract drivers to current folder, drivers are NOT installed
; x=0, drivers are installed
; x=path, extract drivers to absolute path (without quotes), drivers are NOT installed
; Default: 0, drivers installed but not extracted in current folder

; Installer checks for the MB device presence
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, Installer runs only if device is detected
; x=0, Install runs regardless
; Default: 0

; DriverHidePortMask=X
; User specified bitmask to hide serial ports on Windows 8 and above
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Bitmask define USB interface IDs (in Hex) that will be hidden if exposed at the USB interface level
; X=0x00 → (0000B) All ports are visible
; X=0x01 → (0001B) DM port is hidden
; X=0x05 → (0101B) DM and NMEA ports are hidden
; X=0x0C → (1100B) Modem/AT and NMEA ports are hidden
; X=0x0D → (1101B) All serial ports are hidden
; Default: 0x00

; GPS Auto-Tracking
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: GPSAUTO=0

; GPS Radio state (Radio Manager) in Windows 8/10
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=2, Sync status of GPS Radio with status of Cellular Radio in VANUI or W_DISABLE1 pin
; x=1, Initial GPS Radio state is enabled
; x=0, Initial GPS Radio state is disabled (airplane mode)
; Default: 1

; Windows 8/10 Location Sensor Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, installed
; x=0, not installed
; Default: 1

; GPS_Tracking=X
; GPS tracking improves geolocation when no network connections are available (MB, WiFi, etc.)
; Please note that power consumption may increase due to USB Selective Suspend not coming into effect when this feature is enabled (1)
; x=1, Enabled. (better, more accurate location information, but increased power consumption)
; x=0, Disabled. (location information may not be available in time for Windows apps (browsers, etc.), better power consumption)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key must be set to 0 to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\GPSWorkaround] “Disabled” [DWORD]

; GPSName=X
; Friendly name of the Windows 8/10 GPS Radio (use quotes if the name has space characters)
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Default: GPS

; Windows 7 Location Sensor Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, installed
; x=0, not installed (NMEA Serial driver is installed instead)
; Default: 1

; Synchronize NMEA COM port Auto-Tracking with GPS radio settings in Windows 8/10
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; (applicable only when NMEA port is enabled)
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 0

; ClearDNS=X
; Only applicable to Windows 7 MB Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, delete DNS addresses from the TCPIP properties of the network i/f on disconnect
; x=0, not deleted, DNS addresses left unchanged
; Default: not deleted

; MBBProfile= -n “profile name” [–apn APN] [–u Username] [–p Password] [–ac Autoconnect] [–auth Authentication]] [-IP Type]
; Associated Registry Key:
; HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ProfileManagement\DefaultProfile\Parameters
; ac (Autoconnect) options:
; 0 - Disabled
; 1 - Enabled
; 2 - Enabled only on Home network
; Authentication parameters:
; 0 - none
; 1 - PAP
; 2 - CHAP
; 3 - MsCHAPV2
; IPType parameters:
; IPv4
; IPv6
; IPv4v6
; Examples:
; MBBProfile= -n “CustomProfile1” -apn carrier1.apn -ac 1 -auth 0 -ip ipv6
; MBBProfile= -n “CustomProfile2” -apn carrier2.apn -ac 2 -auth 2 -ip ipv4v6
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ProfileManagement\DefaultProfile] “Parameters”

; AllowAutoConnectRS2=X
; Auto-Connect Recovery in Windows 10 RS2
; x=1, Auto-Connect Recovery enabled even if “Let Windows Manage This Connection” is disabled
; x=0, Auto-Connect Recovery disabled (Windows manages connections)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AutoConnect] “AllowAutoConnectRS2”

; DisconnectOnShutdown=x
; Disconnect MB connections on OS shutdown
; x=1, Enabled.
; x=0, Disabled. (Do not explicitly disconnect during shutdown)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key (DWORD)
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\DisconnectOnShutdown]

; SARBACKOFFx=“-TECH Tech# -BAND Band# -SLOT Slot# -STATE State# -MODULATION Mod# -BACKOFF BackOffvalue”
; x=0-99
; Examples:

;-TECH Tech#
; Tech#: Valid ID for Radio Access Technology (RAT)
; 0 – WCDMA
; 1 – CDMA
; 2 – LTE
; 3 – GSM

;-BAND Band#
; Band#: 1-44 (product specific)
; Valid band ID for the RAT/Technology in the TECH field.

;-STATE State#
; State#:
; 0-8 DSI state

; Valid only if TECH field is GSM. Ignored for other RATs.
; Mod#:
; 0 – GMSK
; 1 – 8PSK

;-SLOT Slot#
; Valid only if TECH field is GSM. Ignored for any other RATs.
; Slot#:
; 1-5

;-BACKOFF BackoffValue
; Backoff value in dB*10 units

; Please contact Sierra Wireless for information on Registry Keys used for SAR configuration
; Additional tools can be provided
;“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\SarConfiguration” “SARBACKOFF$SARBACKOFFIndex”
;Where $ represents the index into the SAR Table [0-99]

; Antenna Selection TABLE
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages (only if supported by the modem FW)
; ANTSELx=“-BAND Band# -GPIOLENGTH GpioLen# -GPIO [Gpios]”
; x=0-99
; index must start from 0 and should be sequential
; Examples:

; -BAND Band#
; Band#: 0-69
; Valid band ID for the AntSel
; EM75XX: 0-69
; EM74XX: 0-60

; GpioLen#: 3-4
; Length of Gpio Instances
; EM74XX, EM75XX: 4
; MC74XX: 3

; -GPIO [Gpios]
; [Gpios]: [0-2], [0-2], [0-2], [0-2]
; Gpio pin states
; 0: Logic Low
; 1: Logic High
; 2: Not used for antenna selection

; Please contact Sierra Wireless for information on Registry Keys used for Antenna Selection configuration
; Additional tools can be provided
;“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AntennaSelection” “ANTSEL$ANTSELIndex”
;Where $ represents the index into the Antenna Selection Table [0-99], must start with 0 and should be sequential

; Following options are applicable to OEM packages that include firmware images

; FWImage=X
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages
; x=1, Install firmware images to target folder
; x=0, firmware images not installed
; Default: 1

; Directory number/ID for the default firmware image
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages
; Option used to enforce a particular carrier image
; Verizon 1
; ATT 2
; Sprint 3
; Generic 6
; Telefonica 7
; Telstra 10
; Bell 12
; Telus 13
; Rogers 14
; Swisscom 16
; Aeris 17
; KDDI 19
; KT 20
; USCellular 21
; Sierra 22
; Not all carrier are supported in every OEM package

; Automatic Firmware Image Switching
; x=3, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 3
; Reg Key [DWORD]
;[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\QDL] “AutoImageDownloadBySIM”

; Carrier PRI/Firmware Image selection
; Specifies firmware images and carrier PRIs to be used when AUTOFWSIMMATCH feature is enabled
; indicates optional
; [ATT=X]
; [Bell=X]
; [Generic=X]
; [Rogers=X]
; [Sprint=X]
; [Telus=X]
; [Verizon=X]
; [Telefonica=X]
; [Telstra=X]
; [Aeris=X]
; [Orange=X]
; [Swisscom=X]
; [KDDI=X]
; [KT=X]
; [USCellular=X]
; [Sierra=X]
; x=0, firmware image not used
; Otherwise it indicates the exact carrier PRI version to be used
; Please check the Package Release Notice for information on carrier PRIs
; Not all carrier are supported in every OEM package (OEM dependent)
; Examples:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\ATT] “002.022_000”
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\Generic] “002.020_000”
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\Sprint] “002.020_000”

; Only applicable to OEM installers
; x=AUTO, Firmware update IS performed if firmware image version in installation
; package is different than the one available in the module.
; x=OFF, No firmware update performed
; Default: AUTO

; Firmware Download UI
; x=0, disabled (not shown)
; x=1, Bubble status UI
; Default: 1
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\FwDownload] “UIMode”

; VoltageThresholds=-HC Value -HN Value -LN Value -LW Value -LC Value
; Used to configure modem voltage thresholds
; Where Value is in milli volts
; HC - High Critical
; HN - High Normal
; LN - Low Normal
; LW - Low Warning
; LC - Low Critical
; Examples:
; VoltageThresholds=-HC 4600 -HN 4400 -LN 3300 -LW 3135 -LC 2900
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ModemApi] “Voltage”

; TemperatureThresholds=-HC Value -HW Value -HN Value -LN Value -LC Value
; Used to configure modem temperature thresholds
; Where Value is in celcius
; HC - High Critical
; HW - High Warning
; HN - High Normal
; LN - Low Normal
; LC - Low Critical
; Examples:
; TemperatureThresholds=-HC 105 -HW 85 -HN 70 -LN “-30” -LC “-45”
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ModemApi] “Temperature”

; AttOdis=X
; Setup AttOdis feature setting
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: AttOdis=0
; Registry Key: following key must be either set to 0 or not present to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AttOdis] “Disabled” [DWORD]

; GpsTimeInjection=X
; Setup GpsTimeInjection feature setting
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: GpsTimeInjection=0
; Registry Key: following key must be either set to 0 or not present to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\GpsTimeInjection] “Disabled” [DWORD]

Got it!
I think it was AT!GPSPOSMODE=3F
Old value was 0000001
Maybe that’s helpfull for the initial poster.
Just throw everything above and including AT!ENTERCND=“A710” INTO the command line. :wink:
I installed the Windows Drivers by creating a shortcut to the Exe. With the Line I post here following after the picture.


Everything works!
Working Microsoft Maps and Working NMEA on Com 7

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