Reached nothing with the tools described before.
Usbcomb=8 works at nothing.
Been back with usbcomp=9
Also i changed some reg keys for the skylight app to enable some hidden functions.
Can anyone from sierra publish additional reg keys for skylight?
i found interesting information in the drivers installer configuration.ini too.
[Default Values]
; Configuration.ini provides OEMs the ability to configure Sierra Wireless MB Driver packages
; The ini file is recommended to be used in conjunction with OEM installer packages
; Associated registry keys are also documented. Most can be used in both INF packages and OEM installers.
; Applicable to products based on Qualcomm MDM9x30 (and newer) chipsets
; Version: 7.75.5043.0004
; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Silent Install option
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, enabled, no UI or user prompts shown
; x=0, full UI install
; Default: 0
; SWI Diagnostic Utility installation option
; x=1, Skip installation of Sierra Wireless Diagnostic and Logging Utility
; x=0, Install Sierra Wireless Diagnostic Utility
; Default: 0
; Overwrites default USB Composition
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Default is 8 for Windows 7, 9 for Window 8 and newer
; Example: USBCOMP=8
; Option to extract drivers to current folder
; Only applicable to OEM .exe Installers
; x=1, extract drivers to current folder, drivers are NOT installed
; x=0, drivers are installed
; x=path, extract drivers to absolute path (without quotes), drivers are NOT installed
; Default: 0, drivers installed but not extracted in current folder
; Installer checks for the MB device presence
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, Installer runs only if device is detected
; x=0, Install runs regardless
; Default: 0
; DriverHidePortMask=X
; User specified bitmask to hide serial ports on Windows 8 and above
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Bitmask define USB interface IDs (in Hex) that will be hidden if exposed at the USB interface level
; X=0x00 → (0000B) All ports are visible
; X=0x01 → (0001B) DM port is hidden
; X=0x05 → (0101B) DM and NMEA ports are hidden
; X=0x0C → (1100B) Modem/AT and NMEA ports are hidden
; X=0x0D → (1101B) All serial ports are hidden
; Default: 0x00
; GPS Auto-Tracking
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: GPSAUTO=0
; GPS Radio state (Radio Manager) in Windows 8/10
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=2, Sync status of GPS Radio with status of Cellular Radio in VANUI or W_DISABLE1 pin
; x=1, Initial GPS Radio state is enabled
; x=0, Initial GPS Radio state is disabled (airplane mode)
; Default: 1
; Windows 8/10 Location Sensor Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, installed
; x=0, not installed
; Default: 1
; GPS_Tracking=X
; GPS tracking improves geolocation when no network connections are available (MB, WiFi, etc.)
; Please note that power consumption may increase due to USB Selective Suspend not coming into effect when this feature is enabled (1)
; x=1, Enabled. (better, more accurate location information, but increased power consumption)
; x=0, Disabled. (location information may not be available in time for Windows apps (browsers, etc.), better power consumption)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key must be set to 0 to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\GPSWorkaround] “Disabled” [DWORD]
; GPSName=X
; Friendly name of the Windows 8/10 GPS Radio (use quotes if the name has space characters)
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; Default: GPS
; Windows 7 Location Sensor Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, installed
; x=0, not installed (NMEA Serial driver is installed instead)
; Default: 1
; Synchronize NMEA COM port Auto-Tracking with GPS radio settings in Windows 8/10
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; (applicable only when NMEA port is enabled)
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 0
; ClearDNS=X
; Only applicable to Windows 7 MB Driver
; Only applicable to OEM .exe installers
; x=1, delete DNS addresses from the TCPIP properties of the network i/f on disconnect
; x=0, not deleted, DNS addresses left unchanged
; Default: not deleted
; MBBProfile= -n “profile name” [–apn APN] [–u Username] [–p Password] [–ac Autoconnect] [–auth Authentication]] [-IP Type]
; Associated Registry Key:
; HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ProfileManagement\DefaultProfile\Parameters
; ac (Autoconnect) options:
; 0 - Disabled
; 1 - Enabled
; 2 - Enabled only on Home network
; Authentication parameters:
; 0 - none
; 1 - PAP
; 2 - CHAP
; 3 - MsCHAPV2
; IPType parameters:
; IPv4
; IPv6
; IPv4v6
; Examples:
; MBBProfile= -n “CustomProfile1” -apn carrier1.apn -ac 1 -auth 0 -ip ipv6
; MBBProfile= -n “CustomProfile2” -apn carrier2.apn -ac 2 -auth 2 -ip ipv4v6
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ProfileManagement\DefaultProfile] “Parameters”
; AllowAutoConnectRS2=X
; Auto-Connect Recovery in Windows 10 RS2
; x=1, Auto-Connect Recovery enabled even if “Let Windows Manage This Connection” is disabled
; x=0, Auto-Connect Recovery disabled (Windows manages connections)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AutoConnect] “AllowAutoConnectRS2”
; DisconnectOnShutdown=x
; Disconnect MB connections on OS shutdown
; x=1, Enabled.
; x=0, Disabled. (Do not explicitly disconnect during shutdown)
; Default: 0
; Registry Key (DWORD)
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\DisconnectOnShutdown]
; SARBACKOFFx=“-TECH Tech# -BAND Band# -SLOT Slot# -STATE State# -MODULATION Mod# -BACKOFF BackOffvalue”
; x=0-99
; Examples:
;-TECH Tech#
; Tech#: Valid ID for Radio Access Technology (RAT)
; 0 – WCDMA
; 1 – CDMA
; 2 – LTE
; 3 – GSM
;-BAND Band#
; Band#: 1-44 (product specific)
; Valid band ID for the RAT/Technology in the TECH field.
;-STATE State#
; State#:
; 0-8 DSI state
; Valid only if TECH field is GSM. Ignored for other RATs.
; Mod#:
; 0 – GMSK
; 1 – 8PSK
;-SLOT Slot#
; Valid only if TECH field is GSM. Ignored for any other RATs.
; Slot#:
; 1-5
;-BACKOFF BackoffValue
; Backoff value in dB*10 units
; Please contact Sierra Wireless for information on Registry Keys used for SAR configuration
; Additional tools can be provided
;“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\SarConfiguration” “SARBACKOFF$SARBACKOFFIndex”
;Where $ represents the index into the SAR Table [0-99]
; Antenna Selection TABLE
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages (only if supported by the modem FW)
; ANTSELx=“-BAND Band# -GPIOLENGTH GpioLen# -GPIO [Gpios]”
; x=0-99
; index must start from 0 and should be sequential
; Examples:
; -BAND Band#
; Band#: 0-69
; Valid band ID for the AntSel
; EM75XX: 0-69
; EM74XX: 0-60
; GpioLen#: 3-4
; Length of Gpio Instances
; EM74XX, EM75XX: 4
; MC74XX: 3
; -GPIO [Gpios]
; [Gpios]: [0-2], [0-2], [0-2], [0-2]
; Gpio pin states
; 0: Logic Low
; 1: Logic High
; 2: Not used for antenna selection
; Please contact Sierra Wireless for information on Registry Keys used for Antenna Selection configuration
; Additional tools can be provided
;“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AntennaSelection” “ANTSEL$ANTSELIndex”
;Where $ represents the index into the Antenna Selection Table [0-99], must start with 0 and should be sequential
; Following options are applicable to OEM packages that include firmware images
; FWImage=X
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages
; x=1, Install firmware images to target folder
; x=0, firmware images not installed
; Default: 1
; Directory number/ID for the default firmware image
; Only applicable to OEM .exe packages
; Option used to enforce a particular carrier image
; Verizon 1
; ATT 2
; Sprint 3
; Generic 6
; Telefonica 7
; Telstra 10
; Bell 12
; Telus 13
; Rogers 14
; Swisscom 16
; Aeris 17
; KDDI 19
; KT 20
; USCellular 21
; Sierra 22
; Not all carrier are supported in every OEM package
; Automatic Firmware Image Switching
; x=3, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 3
; Reg Key [DWORD]
;[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\QDL] “AutoImageDownloadBySIM”
; Carrier PRI/Firmware Image selection
; Specifies firmware images and carrier PRIs to be used when AUTOFWSIMMATCH feature is enabled
; indicates optional
; [ATT=X]
; [Bell=X]
; [Generic=X]
; [Rogers=X]
; [Sprint=X]
; [Telus=X]
; [Verizon=X]
; [Telefonica=X]
; [Telstra=X]
; [Aeris=X]
; [Orange=X]
; [Swisscom=X]
; [KDDI=X]
; [KT=X]
; [USCellular=X]
; [Sierra=X]
; x=0, firmware image not used
; Otherwise it indicates the exact carrier PRI version to be used
; Please check the Package Release Notice for information on carrier PRIs
; Not all carrier are supported in every OEM package (OEM dependent)
; Examples:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\ATT] “002.022_000”
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\Generic] “002.020_000”
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\Firmware\Sprint] “002.020_000”
; Only applicable to OEM installers
; x=AUTO, Firmware update IS performed if firmware image version in installation
; package is different than the one available in the module.
; x=OFF, No firmware update performed
; Default: AUTO
; Firmware Download UI
; x=0, disabled (not shown)
; x=1, Bubble status UI
; Default: 1
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sierra Wireless Inc\FwDownload] “UIMode”
; VoltageThresholds=-HC Value -HN Value -LN Value -LW Value -LC Value
; Used to configure modem voltage thresholds
; Where Value is in milli volts
; HC - High Critical
; HN - High Normal
; LN - Low Normal
; LW - Low Warning
; LC - Low Critical
; Examples:
; VoltageThresholds=-HC 4600 -HN 4400 -LN 3300 -LW 3135 -LC 2900
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ModemApi] “Voltage”
; TemperatureThresholds=-HC Value -HW Value -HN Value -LN Value -LC Value
; Used to configure modem temperature thresholds
; Where Value is in celcius
; HC - High Critical
; HW - High Warning
; HN - High Normal
; LN - Low Normal
; LC - Low Critical
; Examples:
; TemperatureThresholds=-HC 105 -HW 85 -HN 70 -LN “-30” -LC “-45”
; Registry Key:
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\ModemApi] “Temperature”
; AttOdis=X
; Setup AttOdis feature setting
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: AttOdis=0
; Registry Key: following key must be either set to 0 or not present to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\AttOdis] “Disabled” [DWORD]
; GpsTimeInjection=X
; Setup GpsTimeInjection feature setting
; x=1, enabled
; x=0, disabled
; Default: 1
; Example: GpsTimeInjection=0
; Registry Key: following key must be either set to 0 or not present to enable the feature
; [HKLM\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\GpsTimeInjection] “Disabled” [DWORD]