Dual ip with Q24 plus

Dear everybody,

Hear i got 3 questions to ask, please share your ideas.

  1. i need to send gps string in two diffrent ip, ports. ten minutes intervel data will send in diffrent ip address, and one second data will send to diffrent ip adderss will it can be done with Q24plus module ?

  2. Can i able to send gps string to smtp post as well as to tcp ip port at the same time ?

  3. am sending gps data to tcp ip at every sec interval please suggest me is there is any easitest way to do this
    M facing some problem while sending unsend data to the server.

Yes , you can do this with the module Q24Plus!
I give you a suggestion of using WIP-stack socket connections, you can open 3 different simultaneous connections and send the data. It is very simple and i can help you, if you want. I want to know how are you doing the reading of data from the GPS because I’m having some problems with my Q24Plus modems.
